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Sector Commercial
End-use Other
Project Number DR 07.08 & CS 07.07
2007 - 2008
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Project SumaryThis market assessment determines the state of the current market in California for dimmable electronic ballasts and the implementation of “smart ballasts”. The goal of the study is to characterize perceptions in the marketplace and the technology’s paucity in market penetration. The...
Sector Commercial
End-use Other
Project Number DR 07.04
2007 - 2009
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Project SummaryThis study evaluates both the energy efficiency and demand response capability of three, off-the-shelf, advanced lighting control systems (ALCS). The project has these objectives: 1) Determine if these advanced lighting control systems allow for reliable remote control of the...
Sector Commercial
End-use Whole Building
Project Number PGE 0725
2007 - 2009
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Project SummaryAbout 25% of buildings—including many large commercial buildings, hospitals, large retail stores, colleges and high schools, data centers, wineries, and industrial/manufacturing plant—use chillers or chilled water in their operations. This project examines demand-based building...
Sector Public, Industrial, Commercial
End-use Lighting
Project Number PGE 0905
2007 - 2009
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Project SummaryThis consolidated report summarizes the installation and assessment of electronic HID at three sites: a large manufacturing facility, a regional supermarket chain and a community college all located in Northern California. Relying primarily on field testing, the project team...
Sector Commercial, Agricultural
End-use Process
Project Number PGE 0707
2007 - 2009
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Project SummaryThis assessment will build in-depth understanding of the operation of CO2-based refrigeration systems and a validated model of the energy savings compared to the other equipment.  The measured performance of a CO2/NH3 Cascade system over a six month period was compared to the...
Sector Commercial
End-use Process
Project Number PGE 0729
2007 - 2008
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Project Summary:The hot water load represents a significant portion of the gas consumption in a commercial food service operation, with an opportunity for gas savings. The objective of this field study was to investigate several water-heating system retro-commissioning measures and quantify their...
Project Number PGE 0730
2007 - N/A
Project SummeryThis project provides a detailed measurement of the energy savings potential from improved airflow managment practices in data centers, and supports the development of an incentive process for airflow managment improvement in data centers. For more information, please contact the...
Sector Public
End-use Lighting
Project Number PGE 0727
2007 - 2008
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Project SummaryThis report summarizes an assessment project conducted to study the performance of light emitting diode (LED) luminaires in a street lighting application. The project included installation of four manufacturers’ LED street lights on public roadways in San Francisco, California....
Sector Commercial
End-use Lighting
Project Number PGE 0717
2007 - 2008
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Project SummaryThis report summarizes the installation and assessment of light emitting diode (LED) luminaires at a major hospitality chain location in Northern California. Relying primarily on field testing, the project team conducted photometric and power measurements, as well as customer...
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Copyright © 2024 Energy Transition Coordinating Council. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

The ETCC is funded in part by ratepayer dollars and the California IOU Emerging Technologies Program, the IOU Codes & Standards Planning & Coordination Subprograms, and the Demand Response Emerging Technologies (DRET) Collaborative programs under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission. The municipal portion of this program is funded and administered by Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Los Angeles Department of Water and Power.